Praise for FatCat Books
What is FatCat?
How can anyone, no matter how young or old, grasp the message of the Bible? The church’s answer has always been the catechism.
Maybe “catechism” sounds like a scary word. But it shouldn’t! The catechism teaches us what the Bible teaches us: our faith. The church’s catechism is the central texts of faith—the Apostles’ Creed, the Ten Commandments, and the Lord’s Prayer.
The catechism is “fat.” It’s bursting at the seams with meaning, challenge, and comfort. It’s concise, but it’s also deep. Most importantly, it should be familiar.
FatCat is our way of making the catechism approachable. And so these books have an actual fat cat hidden throughout. Search for him with your child as you enjoy these books together, and hide the words of the catechism in your heart.
FatCat is our way of making the catechism approachable.
The Ten Commandments: For All God’s Children
Join FatCat as he learns the Ten Commandments—how God’s children love. Each commandment has a reflection on its meaning and illustrations from Jesus’ life. As you read each commandment, see how Jesus fulfilled God’s will for us and showed us how to love God and others.
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“This book beautifully illustrates and explains that Christ is the fulfillment of the law. It doesn’t just give a list of commands. It teaches that the God who gave the Ten Commandments is the same God who saves them from their sin.”
The Lord’s Prayer: For All God’s Children
In a fun and friendly way, The Lord’s Prayer: For All God’s Children encourages children to pray to our Father with reverence and boldness. With vibrantly illustrated scenes of Jesus’s life, a list of Scripture references, and a guided family prayer, this FatCat book helps God’s children understand, memorize, and pray the Lord’s Prayer.
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“What I love about The Lord’s Prayer: For All God’s Children is the way it makes the core tenets of the Christian faith, however complex, accessible for children; not only accessible but enjoyable when paired with such beautiful illustrations and the fun of finding FatCat on every page!”
The Apostles’ Creed: For All God’s Children
In this new book for young readers, families can visualize, memorize, understand, and confess the Apostles’ Creed, which has united all Christians for centuries. Enjoy vibrantly illustrated scenes of Jesus’s life. With a list of Scriptures for further learning and a family prayer, this FatCat book is perfect to read again and again.
Buy now“In this clearly written and beautifully illustrated exposition of the Creed, parents and teachers have a simple, delightful, and orthodox tool for introducing their children to the central teachings of the Christian faith.”
The King of Easter
Jesus Searches for All God’s Children
Join FatCat and follow Jesus as he seeks and saves the lost. Whether friends or enemies—if they are lost, Jesus came to seek and save them. At every step, he brings his new friends to join the search. As Jesus journeys to the cross, he finds and saves people—from his mother, Mary, at his birth, to the thief on the cross beside him. But the Easter story doesn’t end at the cross, for Jesus is risen! From Mary Magdalene, who searched for him at the empty tomb, to Saul, who killed Jesus’s friends, Jesus continues to save.
Buy nowThe King of Christmas
All God’s Children Search for Jesus
Join FatCat and the wise men as they follow the light of the Christmas star, journeying over sea and field, through market and temple, to find the King of Christmas. In each place they look, a new friend joins their search. The journey doesn’t end at the manger. Once the magi and their lively cast of friends and friendly beasts find Jesus at the nativity scene, they ask where else he can be found. On the cross? In the tomb? And where do we find the King of Christmas today? In his word, where he promises to be found. Wherever his name and word are, you will find him too. Merry Christmas to all God’s children!
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Get printable coloring pages
Download and print coloring pages, taken from The Apostles’ Creed: For All God’s Children Coloring Book.
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