Products>Living Well: God’s Wisdom from the Book of Proverbs

Living Well: God’s Wisdom from the Book of Proverbs

ISBN: 9781683590101
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Memorable Wisdom

Money. Relationships. Gender roles. Work.

These can be challenging topics, but the Old Testament book of Proverbs can help us navigate them.

In Living Well, you’ll find a blueprint for how to build a life according to God’s wisdom—helping us live well both in our earthly lives as well as strengthening our covenant relationship with the God who gave us Proverbs as a guide. Allan Moseley walks with readers through specific topics—money, relationships, work, and more—examining what Proverbs has to say and translating it into practical advice for our daily lives.

Following the advice in Proverbs will help you live counterculturally—but it’s also crucial for living well in the eyes of God.


Praise for Living Well

Textually faithful, gospel-rich, and well-organized, this is a go-to resource for understanding the great Book of wisdom.

—J.D. Greear, pastor, The Summit Church (Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina); author, Gaining by Losing: Why the Future Belongs to Churches that Send

This book is vintage Allan Moseley! It is biblical, clear, practical, and witty. It perfectly represents the genre of Proverbs. The Proverbs were intended for real life. Moseley masterfully puts this on full display in this very fine work.

—Dr. Daniel L. Akin, president, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

N. Allan Moseley helps us see God’s wisdom for relationships, health, money, and life in general in a light that brings to life the deeper meaning of proverbs we have perhaps read many times. Living Well will remain on my table, next to my Bible, for those daily encounters when I need another helping of God’s promised wisdom.

—Dan Forest, lieutenant governor of North Carolina

Top Highlights

“A third principle of wise communication is the principle of silence. It’s” (Page 29)

“God has given us the biblical book of Proverbs to teach us knowledge about life. The information in Proverbs is not for the purpose of filling our heads with facts, but to help us live successful lives.” (Page vii)

“A fourth way we can use our words positively is to restore relationships. Relationships can be wounded deeply by the words we speak, but relationships can also be helped by the way we speak.” (Page 45)

“‘Make no friendship with a man given to anger, nor go with a wrathful man, lest you learn his ways and entangle yourself in a snare.’ That’s not elitist or judgmental; it’s wise. Selection of our companions or friends should have nothing to do with their social standing, economic status, or ethnicity. It should have to do with their morality and the inevitable influence they will have on us and the influence we can have on them. If we want to be wise, we will maintain a balance between the influence that flows to us and the influence that flows from us.” (Page 22)

“Second, we limit our friendships because a lot of people simply don’t qualify to be a close friend to someone who is committed to God.” (Page 32)


  • Introducing the Book of Proverbs
  • Part One: Living Well in Our Relationships
    • People Skills
    • Our Powerful Words
    • God’s Wisdom for Women
    • God’s Wisdom for Men
  • Part Two: Living Well in Our Hearts
    • The Foolishness of Anger
    • The Strange Disease of Pride
    • Holiness, Happiness, and Health
  • Part Three: Living Well in the World
    • Dollars and Sense
    • Work: “A Very Sacred Matter”
    • Seduction of a Simpleton

Product Details

  • Title: Living Well: God’s Wisdom from the Book of Proverbs
  • Author: Allan Moseley
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2017
  • Pages: 208
  • Format: Logos Digital, Paperback
  • Trim Size: 5x8
  • ISBN: 9781577997764

About Allan Moseley

Allan Moseley (Ph.D., New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary) began his study of Proverbs as a young man and through the years has sought to live its wisdom, preach from the book, and teach it for 20 years as Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He also has over 25 years of pastoral experience. He has written several books, including works on pastoral leadership and Old Testament exposition. He and his wife Sharon have been married for 37 years and have 3 married children and 6 grandchildren (so far).

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  1. Jim Stowe

    Jim Stowe


    I've said it before. I love Logos. I've been using it since I purchased version 1.2 on 3.5-inch floppy disks from a small Christian bookstore in the early 1980's. Since then, I've amassed a huge collection of resources. However, how does Logos/Lexham expect to sell books like this when the Logos price is $17.99 and the price for the same book (Kindle edition) on Amazon is $9.99???? That, along with the fact that Logos has since removed the long-asked-for ability to export resources to Kindle, make me much LESS likely to purchase any books from Logos that are not technical (i.e. commentaries, etc.). Better wake up Logos/Lexham. I'm one of your fans and I'm not buying...


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