Products>Evangelical Exegetical Commentary (EEC) (49 vols.)

Evangelical Exegetical Commentary (EEC) (49 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $2,622.89
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The Evangelical Exegetical Commentary (EEC) series is a premiere biblical commentary rooted in the original text of Scripture. Incorporating the latest in critical biblical scholarship and written from a distinctly evangelical perspective, each comprehensive volume features a remarkable amount of depth, providing historical and literary insights, and addressing exegetical, pastoral, and theological details. Readers will gain a full understanding of the text and how to apply it to everyday life.

Because the EEC is published with a digital format in mind, it gives contributors the freedom to spare nothing in their analysis. This ensures readers are given the most complete understanding of the text possible. These acclaimed commentaries are essential resources for instructors, students, working pastors, and anyone interested in a trustworthy study of Scripture.


Series Distinctives:

The Evangelical Exegetical Commentary (EEC) is a multi-volume commentary series that covers all sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments.

  • Comprehensive without compromise. The EEC goes into astonishing depth, addressing exegetical, pastoral, and theological details to give readers a full understanding of the text.
  • Distinctly evangelical perspective. The volumes reflect a serious commitment to the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures.
  • Rooted in the original text. The volumes contain commentary developed primarily from a close reading of the text in its original language.
  • Reflects the latest critical scholarship. The volumes engage current scholarship in a fair and accurate manner.
  • Investigates the original context. The volumes examine the relevant biblical text within their historical, literary, and cultural contexts.
  • Fosters a canonical reading of Scripture. The volumes contain rich commentary on biblical theology as well as devotional insights.

Product Details

  • Title: Evangelical Exegetical Commentary (EEC)
  • General Editor: Tremper Longman III
  • Old Testament Editor: David T. Lamb
  • New Testament Editor: Andreas J. Köstenberger
  • Assistant Old Testament Editor: JoAnna M. Hoyt
  • Assistant New Testament Editor: Benjamin L. Gladd
  • Lexham Press Editor: Derek Brown
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Volumes: 49
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:

About the Editors

Tremper Longman III is Distinguished Scholar and Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies at Westmont College where he taught for nineteen years after teaching at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia for eighteen years. He has authored or co-authored over thirty-five books which have been translated into eighteen languages.

David T. Lamb is the MacRae Professor of Old Testament and Dean of the Faculty at Missio Seminary, and author of six books including God Behaving Badly, The Emotions of God, and 1-2 Kings.

Andreas J. Köstenberger, New Testament Editor of the EEC, is Research Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology and Director of the Center for Biblical Studies at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also the Founder of Biblical Foundations,™ an organization devoted to encouraging a return to the biblical foundations in the home, the church, and society. Dr. Köstenberger is a leading evangelical scholar and prolific author. He has authored, edited, or translated close to fifty books and serves as editor of the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society.

JoAnna M. Hoyt, Assistant Old Testament Editor of the EEC, is a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, and an adjunct professor at the Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics. Her main area of research is Hebrew exegesis and linguistics. She has a Ph.D. and Th.M. in Old Testament Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary and a B.A. in Christian Studies (Theology and Biblical Languages) from Howard Payne University. In addition to her academic work she worked in campus ministry for seven years and continues to be active in ministry.

Benjamin Gladd, Assistant New Testament Editor of the EEC, is Associate Professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary. He serves on the editorial board for Themelios and has authored numerous books.


60 ratings

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  1. Joshua Kelley

    Joshua Kelley


    I cannot recommend this set if a liberal like John Goldingay contributes to it. Loved Paul Tanner's impressive volume, enjoying Chou, Bateman, Derickson, and Baugh when reading their contributions. Glad to have some of the other digitally published volumes, too.
  2. Jim Lowther

    Jim Lowther


    Here in 2025 it occurs to me that the last author selected to write a volume in this series may yet to have been born.
  3. zazueffect



    Logos. Please refund the balance of volumes not published and we will call it a day. It's been over a decade. Comments?
  4. Michael



    I have spent 25+ years building my Logos library and replacing my paper books, not to mention the 5+ digit numbers ($), but this issue increased my doubts to keep investing in Logos. I can’t trust their words anymore.
  5. Michael



    I'm disappointed with Logos and the new editors and changes for the ECC. I was never updated on this issue and kept waiting and waiting just to find the bad news. I think that after so many years of waiting for the completion of this series you should had the courtesy of let us know what’s going on.
  6. Bura



    Help us Logos. At the very least we shoud be notified when a book is being released. Also when future volumes will be released.
  7. David Leslie Bond
    I notice and enjoy the hermeneutical perspective of the commentators for the initial released volumes. Their theological commitments ARE consistent with the task they were entrusted on each commentary so far. However, since there have been changes in both editors and prospective authors, it is becomimg clear that the new editors and the new authors do *not* all uphold the original commitments for which I paid full price for the series more than a decade ago. It was difficult enough not being able to access the promised commentaries or equivalents with the large sum which I originally paid. But, now, we are gradually discovering to our shock, after all this time, that the new replacement authors/editors do not even represent the same theological exegetical tradition for which we paid! Could this please be addressed in an honourable and honest way for the sake of those who purchased the EEC set in the past in good faith!?
  8. Barry Titus

    Barry Titus


  9. Matt Hamrick

    Matt Hamrick


    The volumes currently in my library are fantastic. Like everyone else I am concerned about the lack of information coming from Faithlife about the EEC. I quit asking and now I feel like this project has been suspended indefinitely.
  10. Sandro



    How can i Buy only one Book not all?


Collection value: $2,622.89
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Starting at $80.98/mo at checkout