Digital Logos Edition
Word studies are a great way to improve your knowledge of the Bible. But they can be time consuming, and carelessly executed word studies can lead to entirely wrong conclusions. The Lexham Theological Wordbook offers a unique solution, saving you time while giving you an accurate understanding of key biblical words and concepts.
Unlike most other wordbooks, this resource organizes entries by concepts rather than Greek or Hebrew lemmas. Related words are grouped together, giving you easy access to the most relevant terms without needing to go back and forth throughout the volume.
Each entry starts with a concise definition of the given concept. A concept summary follows, briefly surveying the most important related words. Next, a theological overview explains the significance of the concept throughout Scripture. The entry then covers the lexical information, examining each word individually as it relates to the concept, including both Old and New Testament words.
Because the Lexham Theological Wordbook was designed-for-digital, it connects seamlessly to the rest of your Logos library. Scripture citations link directly to English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources. And at the end of each entry, you’ll find links to related concepts, senses from the Bible Sense Lexicon, and other relevant Logos resources.
“Repentance is an act of acknowledging past wrongdoing, expressing regret or contrition, and committing to right behavior and obedience to God. It is a transformative process that involves turning away from sin or transgression and turning back to God.” (source)
“The kind of rejoicing the term chairō denotes is not only a feeling and expression of joy but also an action one chooses.” (source)
“The second way the Bible uses ‘glory’ language is to speak of the greatness of God or a person” (source)
“The term chara often comes as a result of people experiencing God’s presence by the Holy Spirit. Joy is part of the fruit of the Spirit’s presence and work in the lives of believers (Gal 5:22). Joy enables believers to endure trials and suffering of the Christian life.” (source)
“Worship is the reverential response of creation to the all-encompassing magnificence of God” (source)
In a day in which seminaries and universities are loosening their hold on the biblical languages Lexham is boldly leading the way towards a constructive and thoroughly contemporary retrieval. The Lexham Theological Wordbook is a marvelous resource for scholars, pastors, seminarians, and for those whose knowledge of the biblical languages is limited. Scripture is given to us in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek and we need this sort of help in excavating its riches. This Wordbook is based on the best current linguistic insights and will be a resource that I keep close at hand. The Wordbook is an ambitious and major achievement and should and will be used widely.
—Rev Prof Craig G Bartholomew, Redeemer University College, Ontario, Canada
The Lexham Theological Wordbook is an excellent tool. It is easy to use, provides precisely the lexical information one is looking for, and is completely reliable. No student or scholar of Scripture should work without it. Highly recommended!
—Craig A. Evans, Payzant Distinguished Professor of New Testament, Acadia Divinity College, Nova Scotia, Canada
Douglas Mangum is an academic editor for Lexham Press. He holds a PhD in Hebrew from the University of Free State and holds an MA in Hebrew and Semitic Studies from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He is a Lexham English Bible and Lexham Bible Guide editor, a Faithlife Study Bible contributing editor, a Studies in Faithful Living co-author, a regular Bible Study Magazine contributor, and a frequently consulted specialist for the Lexham Bible Dictionary.
Derek R. Brown is an academic editor for Lexham Press. He holds a PhD in New Testament Studies and Christian Origins from the University of Edinburgh, a MCS in New Testament Studies from Regent College, and a BSc in Religious Studies from the University of Oregon. He is a Faithlife Study Bible contributing editor, a Studies in Faithful Living co-author, a Lexham Bible Guide co-author, and a regular Bible Study Magazine and Lexham Bible Dictionary contributor.
Rachel Klippenstein is a contributing editor for Lexham Press. She holds MAs in Linguistics from The Ohio State University and the University of Calgary. She is a Lexham Bible Dictionary contributing editor.
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Dr. Cyndi Matos
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Robert Neves de Oliveira Lima
Andre Jackson
Rwothomio Robert
Miguel A Cardenas
René Dlouhý
Hyoungil Lee