Products>When Politics Becomes Heresy: The Idol of Power and the Gospel of Christ

When Politics Becomes Heresy: The Idol of Power and the Gospel of Christ

ISBN: 9781683598428
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Evangelicals are choosing heresy

Evangelicals fight for a place at the table, but we are in danger of losing our house. The church has become consumed by politics—political priorities and allegiances. Christian brothers and sisters have become opponents. We are no longer united by shared faith, but divided by shared heresy.

When Politics Becomes Heresy is Tim Perry’s loving rebuke and call to repentance. Evangelicals are embracing the logic of ancient heresies, and these heresies lead to each other. We are using the gospel for power (Simony), integrating our faith with worldliness (Gnosticism), exchanging our heavenly Savior for a human helper (Arianism), transforming our mission into social action (Pelagianism), and demonizing other believers (Donatism).

The solution is not to switch sides or carve out a third way. Rather, the right response to unbelief is repentance. We must stop, turn around, and return to God’s gracious throne.

Praise for When Politics Becomes Heresy

Most Americans assume that the political right and left are total opposites. In contrast, Tim Perry calls them out as all too similar, both claiming ultimate allegiance from their devotees and willing to sacrifice their opponents. With insight and passion, Perry calls evangelicals to repent of their political idolatries and be true to Christ. This book is a must-read for all evangelical pastors and scholars.

—Mark Mattes, theology and philosophy department chair, Lutheran Bible Institute, Grand View University, Des Moines, Iowa

History repeats itself. Tim Perry diagnoses the echoes of ancient heresies in the predominant forms of cultural and political engagement in contemporary American evangelicalism. The great virtue in his analysis is that he studiously avoids the pharisaical sanctimoniousness that too often characterizes critiques of evangelicals. Rather, Perry knows that this physician must also be healed himself, and he speaks to his beloved fellow believers from a place of humility and solidarity. And he offers clear prescriptions for each error. Therefore, though the diseases identified are severe, we are not left without hope.

—James R. Wood, assistant professor of religion and theology, Redeemer University, Ancaster, Ontario; teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church in America; co-host of The Civitas Podcast, produced by the Theopolis Institute

  • Another One? Relearning the Language of Heresy
  • Simony: Holy Spirit: Worldly Purpose
  • Gnosticism: Apologetics as Accommodation
  • Arianism: Imitation Salvation
  • Pelagianism: We Will Build the Kingdom
  • Donatism: We’re Right: You’re Evil
  • All This I Will Give You: Treaties with the Egyptians ... Or Worse
  • Title: When Politics Becomes Heresy: The Idol of Power and the Gospel of Christ
  • Author: Tim Perry
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2025
  • Pages: 200
  • Format: Logos Digital, Paperback
  • Trim Size: 5.25x8
  • ISBN: 9781683598428

Tim Perry is lead pastor at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada.


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    Ships 4/9/2025