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Pastor, Jesus Is Enough: Hope for the Weary, the Burned Out, and the Broken

ISBN: 9781683596738
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Hope for the weary pastor

2024 Christianity Today Book Award Finalist - Church/Pastoral Leadership

2023 The Gospel Coalition Book Award of Distinction - Ministry

2023 For the Church Book Award Runner-up

Being enough is exhausting. But pastor, the good news is that you cannot be enough. Because only Jesus is enough.

In Pastor, Jesus Is Enough, Jeremy Writebol invites pastors to hear the words of the risen Jesus in the seven letters within Revelation 2–3. The exhortations in Revelation 2–3 are directed to churches. But they also exhort pastors.

In these seven letters, Jesus draws near to pastors—whether hurting or straying—and reminds them of his sufficiency. In these warnings and promises, Jesus has hard words for pastors. But they are words of life. Most of all, Jesus urges pastors to keep their focus on him.

Praise for Pastor, Jesus Is Enough

For all who are eager to see and savor the rest-giving attributes of Jesus afresh, I highly recommend this book.

—Scott Sauls, pastor and author of Jesus Outside the Lines

Wise, measured, and profound, applying the heart of the gospel to the heart of the pastor.

—Trevin Wax, author of The Thrill of Orthodoxy

If you’re a pastor, whether you’re feeling burnt out or not, you should read this book. It will help you if you’re struggling, and it will prepare you for when later struggles come.

—Russ Ramsey, pastor and author of Rembrandt Is In the Wind: Learning to Love Art Through the Eyes of Faith

  • Foreword by Jared C. Wilson
  • Prayer for Rest in Jesus
  • Pastor, You Belong to Jesus
  • Pastors Love Jesus the Most
  • Pastors Suffer
  • Pastors Teach and Tell the Truth
  • Pastors Become Like Jesus
  • Pastors Abide in Jesus
  • Pastors Labor in Little
  • Pastors Repent
  • Pastor, Jesus Is Enough
  • Title: Pastor, Jesus Is Enough: Comfort, Hope, and Peace for the Weary, the Burnt out, and the Broken
  • Author: Jeremy Writebol
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2023
  • Pages: 192
  • Format: Logos Digital, Paperback
  • Trim Size: 5.5x8.5
  • ISBN: 9781683596738

Jeremy Writebol is the lead campus pastor of Woodside Bible Church in Plymouth, Michigan, and executive director of Gospel-Centered Discipleship. He is the author of everPresent: How the Gospel Relocates Us in the Present.


2 ratings

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  1. Aaron Lee

    Aaron Lee


    Where can pastors find help when the pressure becomes unbearable? In Pastor, Jesus is Enough, Jeremy Writebol brings hope for the weary, the burned out, and the broken. Warnings and Promises for Pastors By examining the seven letters in Revelation 2-3, Writebol addresses pastors with warnings and promises. Ministry idolatry, worldly distractions, and our fallen nature can cause us to drift from our first love. Writebol calls us to keep our focus on Christ. The temptation to prominence is one that impacted me the most. Writebol notes that we tend to believe falsehoods that tell us our porminnce comes form our upward mobility into larger and larger ministires. Isn’t this the point of platforms? Writebol reminds us that Christ has placed you in a strategic setting. He has given you a specific flock to shepherd, and he knows all of his sheep by name. And even the pastor himself belongs to Jesus. And “because pastors belong to Jesus, they can serve in obscurity.” This is how you can find rest in a world that tells you to work with your own strength. Fix Your Gaze on Jesus I was most challenged to see how this isn’t a self-congratulating book. The office of the pastor is a high calling, and pastors will face stricter judgment. Chapter 8 specifically calls the pastor to repent. The humble pastor knows he has a place in Jesus’ throne. In this way, he can know who he is and know the power and reality of Christ’s redemptive grace. But repentance must come first. It is the safest thing to do for those who belong to him. Writebol does not mince his words. He is firm and kind in calling pastors to repent. The book ends on an incredible note. Writebol calls us to fix our gaze on Jesus, specifically on his holiness, his glory as creator, and his suffering. The worship of Jesus and his work on the cross is compelling enough. Recognizing our weakness helps us find our strength in him. This is a bold and beautiful book. Pastors will find their hearts heavy. But those that come to Christ will find their spirit sparked — ready to serve him in the strength that he supplies. I received a media copy of Pastor, Jesus is Enough and this is my honest review.
  2. Adsum Ravenhill
    Over the past couple of years, I’ve reviewed and recommended a rather eclectic collection of books, from the first century to yet-to-be-released books; huge tomes to plain and simple biographies. I do my best to recommend the books I think will be of particular help and interest to my readers and this book is no exception. What stands out in this case, is that I have the great pleasure of commending not only the book, but also the author who penned it. Jeremy is a friend and a brother who I’ve had the pleasure of knowing and working with since before I started the Raven’s Writing Desk. Jeremy was one of the driving forces of encouragement who got me started on this journey, and it is no stretch to say that I wouldn’t be where I am without him. When we first met I had recently been diagnosed with the illness I have suffered from ever since; I’m painfully aware of my brokenness both physical and personal. My patience, my perseverance and trust in God have been tested time and time again, and so reading this book—which takes the reader through Jesus’ words in Revelation 2-3—has felt rather poignant for me personally. Some books feel like lectures, others like poetry, and some rare volumes feel like sitting down with a friend and opening up the bible together—this book is firmly in the latter category. The tagline for the book is “hope for the weary, the burned out & the broken” and though not all of us are pastors, that certainly speaks to each of us as Christians. We are constantly having to be reminded not to allow our experiences, our losses, and our sufferings to tempt us to believe that life has become hopeless, but rather that our hope in Jesus is reforged in furnaces such as these. Last night, the pain in my spine grew so great that I had to sit on the ground, back straight, and eyes closed during a church Bible study … whilst wearing a three-piece suit. I was the very image of a deflated proper broken British suffering gentleman. In the midst of my temporary inability to move, see, or interact as I usually would, instead I joined the woman in the passage in question, the Canaanite woman from Matthew 15:21-28 who, on her knees, begged: “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David.” Jesus was enough for her. Jesus was enough—is enough—for me. Over the past few years every pastor has been affected and at times battered by constant changes, by changing rules and regulations, by accusations and resignations. Churches have closed, staff and members have left, beloved brothers and sisters have deconstructed and some Pastors have borne it in a similar fashion; Dressed to the nines in the right outward appearance and perfectly prepared preaching, whilst feeling the weight of mortification and even shame dragging them down to the floor, eyes closed, praying for just enough strength to return to the pulpit again the following Sunday. The Enoughness of Jesus If that’s you, or if you love your Pastor—which I sincerely hope you do—this book is for you. As is often the case, when we begin work that the Lord has set out before us, we’ll be tested. Jeremy, with regard to this book, put it like this, “It's as if the Spirit was asking me if I had ears to hear. Did I really believe the enoughness of Jesus for my own life and ministry?” Jeremy echoes here the question on the heart of every Pastor I’ve ever spoken to. They might not put it like that, but it is always present. Pastors deal with family issues, death threats, hard questions, and utter lies. Pastors have false accusations come their way, and even harsh judgements about their beliefs, and the God whom we all love and serve. Some Pastors even deal with outright persecution, and some have their lives taken from them, or watch as others around them die for the faith. Is Jesus enough? Those are just the struggles from without, but what about those within? Failure to meet personal ministry goals, forgetting that new member’s name again(!), Sunday morning family arguments, temptations, lies, memories of better Pastors who stand in defiance against the Pastor in the mirror. Jeremy encourages you to keep “[your] eyes…fixed on Christ, who is enough to rescue us from our greatest failures, our worst sermons, our poor counseling, our weak prayers, and our deepest sorrows. Christ died for us! He is enough for us.” Do you believe it? An Old Revelation I’m thrilled to say that this book is entirely un-revolutionary with regard to its core message and biblical basis, and I can’t stress how important that is. In a world in which we’re always looking for the next big thing, our new favourite film, the latest craze, as Christians we should always be looking back to that “old thing” the Bible. “Pastor, Jesus is Enough” brings a word which is sorely needed in the Church. I remember a few years ago reading the Care of Souls by Harold Senkbeil, the message I went away with was “Shepherds should care for their sheep.” I can’t remember whether Senkbeil ever put it exactly like that or not, but the simplicity of his Biblical reminders about pastoral care, which should have been obvious, bowled me over at the time. Sadly, it wasn’t something I’d experienced in some time, and it would be a few years before I would be under such leadership again. In the years since I’ve had to remind myself when reading the Bible or other books inspired by the Bible, that the simplest truths can knock us for six, and it is often those basic truths that have the longest-lasting effects on our lives. Jeremy is open throughout the book about his own need for ongoing reminders that Jesus is enough, and his posture reminds me of that moment when a child discovers a new trick and can’t wait to show his friends how to do it too. Jeremy embodies childlikeness as a Pastor and invites others to do the same. If you’re a Pastor reading this, I want you to know that while I don’t know your struggles, or the pain the last few years have caused you. What I can say, and what Jeremy would wholeheartedly affirm, is that this book is not enough, Jeremy is not enough, and this article is most certainly not enough. There is, however, one who is. Pastor, Jesus is Enough. Jeremy has written this book to point beyond his own words, to words spoken by our Saviour, the only one who is enough. These words have passed through Jeremy, changing him, moulding him, and proving him through the furnace of testing. The result is a man beckoning others to sit with him before the throne, Bible open to the book of Revelation, reading together, learning together, weeping together, and working together on giving up human strength in return for the one whose power is perfected in weakness. Wherever you are, whatever you’re thinking right now, I implore you, pick up the book and read it for all it is worth. Knowing that Jesus is Enough is one thing, believing it is quite another. Pastor, Jesus is Enough Grace and Peace, Adsum Try Ravenhill


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