Products>I’m a Christian—Now What? A Guide to Your New Life With Christ

I’m a Christian—Now What? A Guide to Your New Life With Christ

ISBN: 9781683596714
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Where to begin when you’ve begun with Christ

If you are a new Christian, you are on a new path. But where are you going and how do you get there? As an adult convert, Aaron Armstrong had to face these questions himself. In I’m a Christian—Now What? A Guide to Your New Life with Christ, Aaron helps you take those important first steps. This practical and friendly book helps make sense of your new life with Jesus. It ends with suggestions for how you can take the next step by helping other new Christians.

Praise for I’m a Christian—Now What?

After the Bible, it's the best book for new adult Christians that I know of.

—Eric Schumacher, pastor, podcast host, and coauthor of Jesus and Gender: Living as Sisters and Brothers in Christ (with Elyse Fitzpatrick)

This book will be a welcome and helpful companion to any new adult follower of Jesus.

—Jen Oshman, author and women’s ministry director

Aaron's insight and guidance will make this a go-to book for new believers.

—Trevin Wax, author of The Thrill of Orthodoxy

  • What Is Life
  • Absolute Beginners
  • Have a Talk with God
  • Should I Stay or Should I Go?
  • It’s a Beautiful World
  • Modern Love
  • Save It for Later
  • People Are People
  • True Faith
  • My Hero
  • A Pastoral Postscript for Disciple Makers
  • Title: I’m a Christian—Now What? A Guide to Your New Life With Christ
  • Author: Aaron Armstrong
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2023
  • Pages: 176
  • Format: Logos Digital, Paperback
  • Trim Size: 5.25x8.25
  • ISBN: 9781683596714

Aaron Armstrong is a Canadian living in the United States. He serves at his local church as a small group leader, a children’s ministry teacher, and an occasional Sunday morning teacher. He loves to write, especially to help people grow as followers of Jesus. He is the author of multiple books and the writer of several documentaries.


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  1. Aaron Lee

    Aaron Lee


    Where can new believers go as they begin their journey with Jesus? In I’m a Christian… Now What? Aaron Armstrong gives a guide to your new life with Christ. Although I’ve been a believer for most of my life, I was struck by how amazing it is to have access to God. He has given us his Word. We can come to him easily in prayer, and we can talk to him about anything. Healthy Churches, Creativity What I most appreciated were Armstrong’s seven signs of a healthy church. With many churches to choose from, these will help new believers be better prepared. Armstrong tells you to look for churches where (1) Jesus is the focus, (2) character is prioritized over skill, (3) the Bible is the standard, (4) people are known, (5) sin is taken seriously, (6) non-Christians are loved, and (7) compassion is a way of life. I was most interested to see Armstrong address the role of creativity in the Christian life. While many books for new believers discuss the spiritual disciplines of prayer and Bible reading, not many talk about how we are to enjoy creativity the way that God intended it. A Book for New Believers Armstrong inserts his own experiences from when he was a new believer throughout the book. A chapter on the changes he had to make in regards to cohabitation was effective. Life is messy, but “grace abounds in the mess.” The book ends by looking at what type of Christian you want to be in this world as well as preparing to share your testimony. These are fitting ending chapters, with more than enough in the book for new believers to work through. I am encouraged after reading this, and will use it to encourage others. I received a media copy of I’m a Christian… Now What? and this is my honest review.
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