Products>The Word from the Beginning: The Person and Work of Jesus in the Gospel of John

The Word from the Beginning: The Person and Work of Jesus in the Gospel of John

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“And the Word became flesh”

John’s Gospel famously opens with a poetic prologue about the Word. However, after these initial verses, the theme of God’s Word incarnate seems to fade.

The silence is only apparent. In The Word from the Beginning, Bruce G. Schuchard reunites John’s prologue with the rest of his Gospel. What Jesus does in the Gospel embodies who Jesus is in the prologue. Jesus’s words and actions reveal and unfold his unique identity as the Word. Jesus is indeed God’s Word enfleshed.

This theological reading of John’s Gospel unifies Jesus’s identity, words, and work, opening up implications for Johannine Christology.

Praise for The Word from the Beginning

Bruce Schuchard has written a beautiful little book that is succinct, insightful, and imminently readable. Schuchard’s deep understanding of the Fourth Gospel is obvious on every page, as he guides his readers through the unfolding story of the Word made flesh. After you read this book, you will want to buy a dozen copies to give as gifts to family and friends.

—Craig A. Evans, John Bisagno Distinguished Professor of Christian Origins, Houston Baptist University

From its first word the Gospel of John calls its readers to the Word—and not just the Word, his life and actions, but the word of the Word, the revelation of God to people. Bruce Schuchard’s The Word from the Beginning zeroes in on this cardinal motif as he explains how the speech of Jesus shapes his actions as well as those around him. I heartily recommend The Word from the Beginning as an aid to hear the word of the Word in John’s Gospel—a word we must hear and embrace.

—Douglas Estes, associate professor of biblical studies and practical theology, Tabor College, editor, Didaktikos

Reading John’s Gospel around the central theme of the Word, Bruce Schuchard shows how God’s communication informs each part of the narrative that follows. His text is theologically rich and invites readers into deeper reflection about the significance of the Word that Jesus embodies and conveys. Clear and accessible, this volume will appeal to a broad audience, offering insights useful for preaching and study.

—Craig Koester, Asher O. & Carrie Nasby Professor of New Testament, Luther Seminary

  • Introduction
  • The Prologue
  • A First Journey to Jerusalem in Anticipation of the Coming of His Hour
  • A Second Journey to Jerusalem in Anticipation of the Coming of His Hour
  • A Third Journey to Jerusalem in Anticipation of the Coming of His Hour
  • A Troubled Thomas and a Dead Man Rises
  • The Beginning of the Final Week and the Arrival of His Hour
  • The End of the Final Week and the Accomplishment of His Hour
  • A Dead Man Rises and a Troubled Thomas
  • The Epilogue
  • Title: The Word from the Beginning: The Person and Work of Jesus in the Gospel of John
  • Author: Bruce G. Schuchard
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2022
  • Pages: 160
  • Format: Logos Digital, Hardcover
  • Trim Size: 6x9
  • ISBN: 9781683596028

Bruce G. Schuchard teaches at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, where he chairs the department of exegetical theology. He is the author of Scripture within Scripture: The Interrelationship of Form and Function in the Explicit Citations of the Old Testament in the Gospel of John. He also wrote 1–3 John in the Concordia Commentary series and coedited Abiding Word: The Use of Scripture in the Gospel of John.


2 ratings

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  1. Roll, Zachary

    Roll, Zachary


    Bruce Schuchard does not waste any time in conveying the message and theology of John, and he does it in a profound, yet concise and readable manner. It is also a short work, so I will be revisiting and rereading often.
  2. Aaron Lee

    Aaron Lee


    What does Jesus as the Word of God mean for our world? In The Word from the Beginning, Bruce G. Schuchard shows the person and work of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Take Him at His Word In just over 160 pages, this academic yet accessible commentary offers a look at the book of John through the lens of Jesus as the Word of God. Schuchard explains the Greek text, with cross-references and commentary throughout. While many emphasize the miracles in John, Schuchard reveals that Jesus often challenges his audience to take him at his word. I was struck by the many connections between hearing, seeing, and believing. Schuchard says that “to hear is to see. To see is even now to pass from death to life.” An emphasis is also placed on Jesus being the Mouth of God. While some of Jesus’ miracles involve food and eating, we learn that we are to hear and feast on his words. This book is fascinating, and deeply worshipful. Hear the Savior Speak Some are left in silence after hearing Jesus speak. His words are stunning. After reading this book, I am left with a sense of awe and wonder at the Word Became Flesh. This book was perfect to read during the Thanksgiving season in preparation of Advent and the first coming of the King. The book opens with a clear and clever statement: “What cannot be seen must be heard, and so God sends his Word.” Indeed, “the purpose of the Torah is to ‘enlighten the eyes.’” Jesus raising the dead with his words takes on new and fresh excitement. I am left with nothing more than to want to sit and just hear my Savior speak. I received a media copy of The Word from the Beginning and this is my honest review.


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