Products>Stewards of the Earth: Christianity and Creation Care

Stewards of the Earth: Christianity and Creation Care

ISBN: 9781683595816
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Fifty years of evangelical thought on creation care

Evangelicals have a complex relationship with environmentalism. Some lament the church’s apparent disinterest in humanity’s negative impact upon the earth. Others denounce environmentalism as a distraction from the church’s mission. In the face of polarization over the issue, how should evangelicals steward creation well?

Stewards of the Earth collects five decades of articles from Christianity Today that display the diversity and development of evangelical perspectives on creation care. Some articles address the concerns evangelicals have over cooperating with the broader environmentalist movement or lay out positive ways to navigate or overcome these hesitations. Other articles present constructive approaches to creation care. Readers will gain a nuanced view of evangelical thought over the decades.

With a new introduction by Loren Wilkinson and contributions from writers like Bill McKibben, Ronald Sider, Leslie Leyland Fields, and Andy Crouch, these essays preserve the wisdom of the past to provide insight for the future.

Praise for Stewards of the Earth

Woodrow Wilson said, ‘A nation which does not know what it was yesterday, does not know what it is today, nor what it is trying to do.’ The same can be said of the church. In this powerful collection of essays and interviews by and with Christian leaders, fifty years of American evangelical thinking about the gospel and creation is laid out for our inspection. Here we are reintroduced to ourselves—yesterday and today. And in the midst we are challenged to think better about what it is we are trying to do—for ourselves, our planet, and our children. Perspective is a powerful thing. Read the book.

—Sandra Richter, Robert H. Gundry Chair of Biblical Studies, Westmont College; author of Stewards of Eden: What Scripture Says about the Environment

This poignant edited volume complete with a powerful introduction by Evangelical luminary Loren Wilkinson is hands-down one of the best one-stop-shop volumes on Evangelical thinking about creation care over the last few decades. The fruit of this volume will grow for a time to come. The chorus of voices within seek not only to be rabidly faithful to Scripture and the way of Jesus—but are done with a sensitive and keen eye on the heartbreaking realities of the environmental crisis.

—A.J. Swoboda, assistant professor of Bible, theology, and World Christianity at Bushnell University; author of After Doubt.

The Best of Christianity Today

Since 1956, Christianity Today has been the voice of evangelicalism in America—a bellwether of theology, politics, and culture for evangelicals. The Best of Christianity Today is a new series, featuring the most enduring articles from decades of Christianity Today written by the most respected voices in modern evangelicalism. Lexham Press is proud to partner with Christianity Today to bring these treasures of evangelicalism's heritage to readers today.

Learn more about the other titles in this series.

  • Introduction by Loren Wilkinson
  • Fulfilling God’s Cultural Mandate
  • Ecologism: A New Paganism?
  • Terracide
  • Christianity and the Environmental Crisis
  • The Environmental Movement—Five Causes of Confusion
  • A Message to Polluters from the Bible
  • Global Housekeeping: Lords or Servants?
  • A Handful of Mud
  • Is There Room for Profile Environmentalists?
  • Are We Our Planet’s Keeper?
  • Earth Summit: Searching for a Spiritual Foundation
  • Redeeming the Environmentalists
  • How Christian Is the Green Agenda?
  • Is the Earth Alive?
  • Eco-Myths
  • Christmas Unplugged
  • Greening of the Gospel?
  • God’s Green Acres
  • Heat Stroke
  • Environmental Wager
  • Imagining a Different Way to Live
  • One-Size Politics Doesn’t Fit All
  • The Good Shepherds
  • Second Coming Ecology
  • Not One Sparrow
  • A Feast Fit for the King
  • Whole Earth Evangelism
  • The Joyful Environmentalists
  • Back to the Garden
  • Three Reasons Why Evangelicals Stopped Advocating for the Environment
  • Oil Is a Gift from God. Are We Squandering It?
  • Title: Stewards of the Earth: Christianity and Creation Care
  • Series: The Best of Christianity Today
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2022
  • Page Count: 264
  • Format: Logos Digital, Hardcover
  • Trim Size: 5x8
  • ISBN: 9781683595816

About Christianity Today

Since 1956, Christianity Today has been the voice of evangelicalism in America—a bellwether of theology, politics, and culture for evangelicals. Some of the most influential and respected modern evangelical leaders have written for Christianity Today, shaping the minds and hearts of millions of Christians for more than half a century.


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  1. Clay Cadwell

    Clay Cadwell


    Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
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