Products>How Should We Think About Gender and Identity? (Questions for Restless Minds)

How Should We Think About Gender and Identity? (Questions for Restless Minds)

ISBN: 9781683595151
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How Should We Think about Gender and Identity?

Speak with biblical clarity on gender and identity.

Can someone be born with the wrong body? This question raises moral, social, and legal implications. Do you have a biblical response?

In How Should We Think about Gender and Identity?, Robert S. Smith recognizes that to properly respond, we must first understand. Smith first defines terms and outlines the history and current debates around transgender. God’s word is brought to bear, including its perspective on creation and sin, sex and gender, and body and soul. Learn how you can thoughtfully engage the debate with conviction and display the love of Jesus to your transgender neighbor.

Order all 17 volumes in the Questions for Restless Minds series.

Praise for How Should We Think about Gender and Identity?

Rob Smith is the ideal person to tackle this particular question for restless minds. I know of few people who have approached this issue with such careful attention both to what the Bible says that might bear on this issue and how Christ’s people might care for those who are struggling or distressed by it. This is an issue where emotions are running high at the moment, misin formation abounds, and, tragically, great harm is being caused. Rob is aware of the pain and the need for a gentle word. He is also aware of the goodness of God’s word, the need to study it carefully, and so to speak a true word. I very gladly commend this book.

—Mark D. Thompson, principal, Moore Theological College

Top Highlights

“The older understanding (sometimes called biological essentialism) claims that a person’s gender is determined by the objective fact of their biological sex. Where there is a felt mismatch, then subjectivity should be helped to yield to objectivity. The newer understanding (sometimes called psychological essentialism) claims that the objective facts of biology do not determine a person’s gender. This is determined by their gender identity—their own subjective sense of who and what they are.” (Page 5)

“Mollenkott, therefore, anticipates and champions an omnigender future in which everyone ‘would have their own unique sexuality, falling in love with another person because of their emotional response to the person’s entire being, not the person’s genitals.’32 In such a future, birth certificates and driver licences would not record a person’s sex or gender, individuals would be free to change their bodies by any means available, and all bathrooms, sports, and even prisons would be unisex.” (Pages 23–24)

“The second of the behaviors that Scripture censures is sexual effeminacy; that is, a man playing the part of a woman (by being the ‘receiver’) in homosexual intercourse.” (Pages 45–46)

“The third of the behaviors that the Bible opposes is gender ambiguity; that is, the attempt to blur the lines between male and female by one’s gender expression.” (Page 47)

“We are dealing, then, with a both-and: an ontological duality (a distinct body and soul) within a functional holism (an integrated person).” (Page 40)

Questions for Restless Minds series

The Questions for Restless Minds series applies God’s word to today’s issues. Each short book faces tough questions honestly and clearly, so you can think wisely, act with conviction, and become more like Christ. Edited by D. A. Carson, the series covers a wide range of topics centered around critical questions many Christians wrestle with today.

Learn more about the other titles in this series.

Praise for the Questions for Restless Minds series

“This generation of Christians inhabit cultures that sometimes reject not only biblical revelation about reality but also the reality of reality itself. The Questions for Restless Minds series poses many of the toughest questions faced by young Christians to some of the world’s foremost Christian thinkers and leaders. Along the way, this series seeks to help the Christian next generation to learn how to think biblically when they face questions in years to come that perhaps no one yet sees coming.”

—Russell Moore, public theologian, Christianity Today

If you’re hungry to go deeper in your faith, wrestle with hard questions, and are dissatisfied with the shallow content on your social media newsfeed, you’ll really appreciate this series of thoughtful deep dives on critically important topics like faith, the Bible, friendship, sexuality, philosophy, and more. As you engage with some world-class Christian scholars, you’ll be encouraged, equipped, challenged, and above all invited to love God more with your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

—Andy Kim, multiethnic resource director, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

  • Introduction
  • Key Terms and Their Meanings
  • The Brave New Worldview of Gender Plasticity
  • Biblical and Theological Exploration
  • Concluding Thoughts
  • Title: How Should We Think about Gender and Identity?
  • Author: Robert S. Smith
  • Series: Questions for Restless Minds
  • Series Editor: D. A. Carson
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2022
  • Pages: 128
  • Format: Logos Digital, Paperback
  • Trim Size: 5x7
  • ISBN: 9781683595151

Robert S. Smith is lecturer in theology, ethics, and music ministry at Sydney Missionary Bible College in Australia.


1 rating

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  1. Glenn Crouch

    Glenn Crouch


    First, I would say that we need to bear in mind that this is quite a short book - and is only meant as an introduction. Unlike some other such small books, this one does have a list of further reading which I applaud. It is also up-to-date with references to events in 2021 :) This series is aimed at Christian University Students, and this is made clear at the beginning. This particular topic of course has relevance to all involved in Christian Leadership, as well as to any Christian who is involved within their local (and wider) communities. This is my first dip into this series, and given that the Author is a fellow Aussie is a bonus. The first 3 Chapters are excellent - I especially appreciated having the various terms explained and nicely laid out - making this a good pocket reference. Chapter 4’s coverage of Biblical and Theological exploration - whilst I agreed with most of it - doesn’t seem to really give any voice to Christian Theologians who have differing views. Now I realise that being a short book, that it is difficult - but do think, especially given a University audience, that at least a bit of coverage would’ve been worthwhile. It is not as simple as “this is what Christians believe” vs “this is what the world believes”. For the concluding chapter, I had hoped that there would be some tackling of the many valid questions raised - and I admit I felt a bit disappointed. There is no real dealing with how we reach out to the Transgender on our community; there is no real guidance of how we show care for those who have different views.. It comes across to me as being more about Law than about Gospel. Good to have more material on this matter out there. Will have to see what other books in this series are like.


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