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Every Day Matters: A Biblical Approach to Productivity

ISBN: 9781683593263
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A Biblical Approach to Productivity

True productivity is more than just getting things done.

True productivity is less about getting things done; it is more concerned with stewarding priorities, time, and resources wisely and faithfully in a way that honors God. In Every Day Matters Brandon Crowe provides an accessible and biblical understanding of productivity filled with practical guidance and examples.

Crowe draws insights from wisdom literature and the life and teaching of the Apostle Paul to reclaim a biblical perspective on productivity. He shows the implications for matters such as setting priorities and goals, achieving rhythms of work and rest, caring for family, maintaining spiritual disciplines, sustaining energy, and engaging wisely with social media and entertainment.


Praise for Every Day Matters

Brandon Crowe distills the best secular books on productivity but with a distinctively Christian approach. What drives his common-sense advice is for us to glorify God.

–Andy Naselli, associate professor of systematic theology and New Testament for Bethlehem College & Seminary in Minneapolis; one of the pastors of Bethlehem Baptist Church

Brandon Crowe draws from his knowledge and experience as a scholar, professor, churchman, husband, and father to produce a biblically grounded and practically focused book on productivity. This book isn't solely about how to be productive in a busy world. It’s much more. Crowe shows his readers the need to be productive "in Christ" -- depending on his strength (not our own) and doing all things for his glory (not our reputations). Reading this book is sure to be good use of your time!

–David E. Briones, Associate Professor of New Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary

Top Highlights

“This end-goal perspective should inform how we live our day-to-day lives. What is in the past is in the past—whether good or bad;42 what matters most today is making progress toward what lies ahead.” (Page 26)

“The implications of Proverbs for living productive lives are many. Embrace hard work. Don’t be deceived into thinking that you can shirk work and not face negative consequences. Your results are directly tied to your actions. Don’t make excuses; do something. Plan and think ahead, but do so with a keen awareness that God must provide success. Hard work is not an end in itself, but is a way we demonstrate the fear of the Lord and honor him with our lives. Since only God knows the future, there is only so much we can plan for. We must face our limitations.” (Page 16)

“This is the context for redeeming the time—we are to live wisely, according to the principles of new creation and holiness in Christ (Eph 4:22–24). Redeeming the time is not, in other words, simply about good time management. Instead, redeeming the time recognizes that we live in an evil age that seeks to enslave us to darkness and evil passions. We need, therefore, to be alert and awake, soberly recognizing that our actions are enormously significant.81 The days are short; the end is near (Rom 13:11–14). Will we follow Christ, or will we indulge the flesh? The call to redeem the time is a call for wisdom, as Paul makes clear in the previous verse (Eph 5:15).” (Page 34)

“The rule of three says that each day you should focus on the three most important things you could do that day. These are three things that, if you do them, your day will be a success.” (Page 58)


  • Foreword by R. Kent Hughes
  • Part 1: Perspectives
    • Why You Need this Book
    • Guiding Texts, Part 1. Wisdom Literature: The Benefits and Limitations of Diligent Work
    • Guiding Texts, Part 2. Focus and Diligence in the Life and Teaching of the Apostle Paul
  • Part 2: Principles
    • Priorities
    • Goals and Planning
    • Routines
    • Family
    • Rest, Refresh, Repent, Resolve
    • Sustaining Energy
  • Part 3: Practices
    • Engaging Spiritual Disciplines
    • Getting Organized
    • Avoiding Pitfalls
  • Conclusion

Product Details

  • Title: Every Day Matters: A Biblical Approach to Productivity
  • Author: Brandon Crowe
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2020
  • Page Count: 208
  • Format: Logos Digital, Paperback
  • Trim Size: 5.5x8.5
  • ISBN: 9781683593263

About Brandon D. Crowe

Brandon D. Crowe is associate professor of New Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary and book review editor for the Westminster Theological Journal. He is author of several books, including The Last Adam and The Message of the General Epistles in the History of Redemption.

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4 ratings

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  1. derrick crandell
  2. Leonard Metsäranta
  3. Victor Mejia

    Victor Mejia


    This book could not have come at a better time at this point in my life. Finding myself dealing with multiple projects, this book helped me put a lot of things in the right perspective and also start implement some practical changes in my life. And when I saw that R. Kent Hughes wrote the foreword, I knew this book would be good. In the array of productivity books out there, this book is a true gem. Dr. Brandon Crowe, associate professor of New Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary, aims to help readers think biblically about how to get things done and gives practical advice for maximizing our time and energy toward the most important things in every day life, hence the title. The book is divided into three main parts. Part 1 is “Perspectives”, where he outlines the biblical perspective on productivity (both OT and NT). Part 2 is “Principles”, where he covers basic principle of productivity. Here he covers familiar ground that is found in other productivity books, but he adds his own contributions and sets apart in that he keeps these through the lens of Scripture and to the glory of God. Part 3 is “Practices”, here he gets really practical and gives you suggestions on tools you can use. It’s a fairly short book (about 130 pages), but I read it slowly since I started implementing his suggestions. But let me tell you, there are no words wasted here. Each chapter is full of wisdom. It’s a book that I will keep referencing as I start implementing the suggested methods for productivity. Also, Chapters 2 and 3 alone is worth the price of this book. The biblical perspective on work and productivity has given me a fresh perspective.
  4. J-P O

    J-P O



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