Products>Workbook in Romans: Arranged According to the History of Redemption

Workbook in Romans: Arranged According to the History of Redemption

ISBN: 9781683592006

Digital Logos Edition

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This creative interactive workbook explores the storyline of the Bible through the lens of Romans. To put it another way, it probes the “back story” of Romans, that is, the story of redemption that lies beneath the surface of Paul’s grand epistle and comes peeking out throughout his exposition. This new and unique way to study Romans adds richness and texture to Paul’s grand epistle—and creates a new appreciation for the beauty of biblical redemption.

The paperback edition of Workbook in Romans is out of print.

Praise for Workbook in Romans

This book is a unique and captivating contribution to the literature on Romans! It helps a reader trace the narrative that is inherent in Romans, the story of God’s redemptive work in human history. In doing so, it integrates Romans into the story of the whole Bible using a series of well-designed, interactive questions to focus on the content of Romans and our response to it. Highly recommended for college or seminary classes or individual or group Bible study.

—Buist Fanning, Ph.D., Department Chair and Senior Professor of New Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary

This is an invaluable resource for individuals or groups to study the text of Romans in the light of the biblical theological theme of God’s redemptive plan of history. Kenneth Berding is a highly gifted scholar-pastor, who blends his scholarly understanding of Romans with his pastoral care of his readers as they walk through this rich study. Through ten carefully constructed lessons he provides oversights of the plan of redemption throughout Scripture and then skillfully guides the reader with thought-provoking questions that lead to profound insights from the book of Romans. He escorts the reader with kind and gentle encouragement to think for oneself and to allow the Spirit of God to make application to one’s life. This is a highly recommended new study that pastors and Bible study leaders can use profitably as a resource that promises rich rewards for their people.

—Michael J. Wilkins, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of New Testament Language and Literature, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University

Berding has created an outstanding volume because it forces the reader to do two critical things: to place Paul’s letter within the flow of redemptive history and to engage the text of Romans itself. This produces at least two happy results, the first of which is that the message of Romans is the constant focus, since it is set within the history of redemption rather than one’s own personal, subjective experience. The second of which is to curtail the tendency toward atomistic exegesis. In short, Paul and the biblical message are central and controlling, not one’s twenty-first century existence. I am heartened by such a clear-headed approach. I recommend it highly.

—Jay E. Smith, Ph.D., Professor of New Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary

Top Highlights

“Paul believed that there was one grand story that all followers of Christ should already know—the story of God reconciling the world through Jesus Christ.” (Page 11)

“most important story behind a letter is the reason the letter is written in the first place” (Page 11)

“Paul writes that God ‘chose us in him before the foundation of the world’ (” (Page 21)

“God’s story of redemption actually began before he created the world.” (Page 21)

“God himself existed before creation (Ps. 90:2; Rev. 1:8)” (Page 21)


  • Introduction
  • Paul’s Flow of Thought
  • The Story of God’s Eternal Plan
  • The Story of Creation, Adam, and the Fall into Sin
  • The Story of Abraham and the Calling of a Nation
  • The Story of Moses and the Law
  • The Story of David, Isaiah, the Other Prophets, and Their Expectation
  • The Story of Christ
  • The Story of the Holy Spirit
  • The Story of Paul and the Inclusion of the Gentiles
  • The Story of the Church
  • The Story of the Future

Product Details

  • Title: Workbook in Romans: Arranged According to the History of Redemption
  • Author: Kenneth Berding
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2014
  • Pages: 112
  • Format: Logos Digital, Paperback
  • Trim Size: 8.5x11
  • ISBN: 9781683592006

About Kenneth Berding

Kenneth Berding is professor of New Testament studies at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. Before coming to Biola, he was a church planter in the Middle East. An overseer at Redemption Hill Church, he has a heart for God and ministry and has written many worship songs.


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