Lies Pastors Believe

Seven Ways to Elevate Yourself, Subvert the Gospel, and Undermine the Church

In Lies Pastors Believe, pastor and professor Dayton Hartman takes aim at lies he has faced in his own ministry and seen other pastors struggle with. With a winsome and engaging style, Hartman shows current and future pastors why these lies are so tempting, the damage they can do, and how they can be resisted by believing and applying the truth of the gospel.

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“Dayton Hartman shows great maturity in the way he addresses some of the lies that church leaders are tempted to believe whilst wooing our hearts with the compelling beauty of Christ. Read and enjoy. I’m certain you’ll be refreshed, challenged, and encouraged in your work for the Lord.”

Steve Timmis, CEO of Acts 29

“I’m convinced that it is not only possible but in many cases probable that a pastor will give his life to a career rather than a calling. When this line is blurred, all sorts of deceptions arise. Dayton addresses some old sins with updated faces, unmasking them with the good news of the gospel, helpfully directing readers back to Jesus, the head of the Church.”

Alex Early, pastor of preaching and theology, Redemption Church (Seattle, WA), author of The Reckless Love of God and The New Believer’s Guide to the Christian Life


“The lies pastors believe mask themselves as virtues to be achieved.”

Dayton Hartman

Dayton Hartman

Dayton Hartman is a husband, dad, pastor, professor, and author.

Dayton Hartman is the Lead Pastor at Redeemer Church in Rocky Mount, NC.

He also serves as an adjunct professor for a number of schools including Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Columbia International University.

Hartman attended Liberty University where he earned an M.A. of Global Apologetics and holds a PhD in Church and Dogma History from North-West University. He is a regular contributor to For the Church and The Intersect Project.

Dayton and his wife Rebekah live in North Carolina with their three sons, Jude, Gavin, and Ransom.

Church History for Modern Ministry

Church History for Modern Ministry

Why Our Past Matters for Everything We Do

Many Christians believe that church history belongs in the past. Pastor Dayton Hartman disagrees. He argues that church history is not old news, but a tradition that brings depth and vitality to today’s ministry. In Church History for Modern Ministry, Hartman explores the importance of church history and its relevance for addressing contemporary church issues. He discusses the impact of the early church fathers and the value of incorporating the creeds into weekly worship.

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