Our Prayer
I rejoice at your word
like one who finds great spoil.
—Psalm 119:162
BLESSED LORD, you have caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning. Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience and comfort of your holy word, we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. AMEN.
Our Mission
Lexham Press seeks to increase biblical literacy, thoughtful Christian reflection, and faithful action around the world by publishing a range of Bible study materials, scholarly works, and pastoral resources.
Our Vision
A good book shows what’s possible. It fires the imagination. It sends us on a journey for what’s beautiful, what’s good, and, most importantly, what’s true.
That’s why we strive to publish beautiful books—a delight to the eye and a joy to the ear—faithful to the word of God for the people of God. Our books love the word, love the faith, and love the church.
Our Books
We strive for excellent design and prose and, most importantly, to be faithful to the word of God and to love the people of God. We believe God’s words and works are for proclamation—for the instruction, encouragement, endurance, and hope of all God’s children. And so we publish books filled with the good news of God’s word.
Lexham Press is part of the Logos Bible Study family of brands and publishes books under two imprints.

- Books for everyday Christians. These books provide everyday Christians and their families with the truth of the Bible and tools to live a life of praying God’s words so that they can catechize others and be catechized by God’s word.
- Books for everyday pastors. These books strengthen pastors in their vocation as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God (1 Corinthians 4:1). They share the practical wisdom of theology as well as the tradition and tools of the care of souls.

- Books for everyday scholars. These books stoke the life of the Christian mind. They closely attend to the biblical text and its critical questions, to the history of Christian theology and exegesis, and to constructive dogmatics and biblical exegesis today. These books may not always directly address concrete anxieties of everyday Christians, but they help theologians, biblical scholars, and pastors train the next generation of pastors, theologians, and Bible readers.
As a Christian publisher, all our works are harmonious with the beliefs and traditions of the Christian church as reflected in the Apostles’ Creed and the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association’s Statement of Faith.
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The Origin of Lexham
In the village of East Lexham in the English county of Norfolk stands one of the oldest churches in England. Dedicated to St. Andrew, there is speculation that it was built around 900 A.D. That would make it the oldest surviving round tower in the country. Round towers were built from the 9th century through to the 14th century, and are still to be found, particularly in Norfolk, where there are still 124 of these towers of the 175 remaining in England.
Our logo—affectionately called “the Barn”—is inspired by the Press’s namesake, the East Lexham Church. Though there is no formal connection between East Lexham and Lexham Press, this ancient stone church reminds us that the Church, founded on God’s Word, endures throughout the ages. Our logo likewise represents our commitment to publish works grounded in the truth of the Bible for the sake of the Church.