Osborne New Testament Commentaries

Osborne New Testament Commentaries

The Osborne New Testament Commentaries interpret Scripture verse by verse, bridging the gap between scholarship and the Church. This set of commentaries is for people seeking a straightforward explanation of the text in its context, avoiding either oversimplification or technical complexity. Grant R. Osborne brings out the riches of the New Testament, making each book accessible for pastors and all who consider themselves students of Scripture.

“With this new series, readers will have before them what we—his students—experienced in all of Professor Osborne's classes: patient regard for every word in the text, exegetical finesse, a preference for an eclectic resolution to the options facing the interpreter, a sensitivity to theological questions, and most of all a reverence for God's word.”

Scot McKnight, Julius R. Mantey Professor in New Testament, Northern Seminary

“The Osborne New Testament Commentaries draw from the deep well of a lifetime of serious study and teaching. They present significant interpretive insights in a highly accessible, spiritually nurturing format. This is a tremendous resource that will serve a new generation of Bible readers well for years to come. Highly recommended!”

Andreas J. Kӧstenberger, founder of Biblical Foundations™, senior research professor of New Testament & biblical theology, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Osborne New Testament Commentaries

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Hebrews Verse by Verse

Hebrews Verse by Verse

In Hebrews Verse by Verse, the late Grant R. Osborne, with George H. Guthrie, shows readers how this beautifully crafted letter encourages believers to endure in faithfulness to Jesus. By using Scripture and theology to lay the foundation for these exhortations, the central message of Hebrews continues to be relevant for the church today. Osborne’s commentary delves into the grand implications of Christ’s identity and its importance for our spiritual lives.

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James Verse by Verse

James Verse by Verse

In James Verse by Verse, the late Grant R. Osborne invites readers to delve into this uniquely structured, immensely practical book. James is all about what early Christians called “the Way” and, as such, holds a unique place in the New Testament. This commentary will help modern readers embrace James as a distinctively Christian letter, full of wisdom for everyday life.

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